Aligning Values and Valuations for a responsible financial system

ValueCo captures the market value of sustainability.

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Our value proposition

Compare to your peers to better position yourself and differentiate your strategy

Manage the risks of your model and ensure your SFDR compliance.

Access unique market signals to create innovative products.

Engage with companies and give them systematic feedback on their extra-financial performance.

Our offers

Access the investor perception of your sustainability performance

Find out what investors think about your sustainability policies and results and how this af financing conditions.

Benchmark against your competitor. Our research allows you to understand what most affects your share price and relevant indicators according to investors for a given sector.

Use our analyses to improve your CSR strategy and manage investors' perceptions.

Our offers

Deepen your extra-financial due diligence and avoid greenwashing

Compare the sustainability strategies of the funds you select, taking into account their proprietary approaches.

Identify the differentiating factors of asset managers' ESG approaches and rely on the best managers in terms of sustainability.

Manage and monitor your reputational and greenwashing risks.

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Major listed companies are doing their utmost to achieve the best possible rating according to the ESG criteria applied by specialist rating agencies. Despite this, they denounce the wide disparity in methodologies and the differences in scores from one agency to another.
But a blind spot remains: ESG assessments carried out by investors, which have an impact on financial markets, are just as disparate. LVMH and ValueCo have joined forces to address this issue.

The integration of extra-financial criteria in portfolio construction has an impact on a fund's investment policy and therefore on its performance. The processes, methodologies, ESG criteria, issues taken into account, etc., can differ greatly from one management company to another. The whole complexity for a fund selector or a multi-manager is to ensure the optimal transparency of a portfolio.

ValueCo compiles fund ESG data in order to provide us with an extremely detailed analysis of our positions. We can thus detect risk factors allowing us to better understand our portfolios and identify funds that meet our criteria.

Louis Abreu
Director of Mandate Management and Multi-Management

We are stepping up our exchanges with ESG investors, but we do not have access to their assessment of our commitments. Rating agencies, although often used, offer limited correlation.

We do not have access to the global ESG perception that is essential today. This is why I was seduced by ValueCo's solution, offering an enlightened vision for our future actions with ESG investors.

Julie Coulot, ESG Investor Manager, LVMH

ValueCo allows us to question our existing ESG data providers and determine how well they align with and deviate from market consensus, complementing our existing qualitative and quantitative ESG analyses.

Their algorithm allowed us to identify outliers and create priority lists in order to prioritize due diligence and in-depth ESG analyses.

Through this collaboration, we are accelerating our ESG validation, while targeting specific companies and investment funds that require our attention from an ESG and impact perspective.

Vincent Triesschijn
Global Head of ESG and Sustainable Investing

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